Sunday 5 June 2011

girls are from lala-land and guys are from gala-land

  I beamed at my computer screen, checking the almost year old mail. Yes! I have almost stopped checking my mail. Courtesy: facebook!  Anyways I couldn’t help chortling at the “HUM TUM CARTOONS”, which were a rage, few years ago! Majority of my mails read: “101 things u didn’t know about guys” or “the world’s most beautiful creation: women” n more! Coming back to the Hum Tum concept, I am pretty sure; there isn’t a single “guys’ night out” or “a girly sleepover” where there isn’t a discussion of the opposite sex!

As Shaggy wailed, “With her smile and her Style
                                    she’ll protect u like a child! O what a Woman!
                                   She’ll put a smile upon your face and

                                   And take you to a higher place,

                                      So don’t you  underestimate, STRENGHT OF A WOMAN!!”

I smiled from ear to ear, as I couldn’t think of a better topic to blah about!

                “There, there, we know all men are dogs” I said as I comforted one of my girlies as she described her last fight with her boyfriend (not to mention in those exact words In which it actually took place, along with the exact date, time and place). That’s the thing about us girls, we seem to remember intricate details of almost all events (irrespective of whether it’s important or unimportant) She also accurately described how he “checked out”  a girl in a pink t-shirt, declaring haughtily that it was gaudy and ill fitting! Anyways, as we steered back to the topic, she complained that her boyfriend had forgotten their 3month anniversary and how annoyed she was when he could crack the code of “what day it is” inspite of dropping several hints. On talking to him, he said to me “what’s the big deal about dates, Nabha? We would have had fun anyways. What difference does it make, who remembers what as long as we celebrate togetherness?” some part of me (hate to admit) I couldn’t help agreeing with him, I gave him a dressing down anyways! They say, “Girls are worried about the things guys forget and guys are worried about the things girls remember!!!”

                Guys usually have a straight, to the point approach to things. The end result matters more than the way to do it. While we contemplate and dwell on every minute detail. Yes the little things matter more to us!


                Girls would agree with me on this one! MULTITASKING!! Eating chips and watching sports are probably the only way in which guys multitask! “How hard is it to clean, while cooking” said mom glaring at dad, after his attempt at culinary, leaving the kitchen in a terrible mess.  I vouched for it, as she single handedly cleaned the kitchen, made salad, all this while chattering away nonstop about “office politics” on the phone.  Men say “Jack of all trades, master of none” and that “we’d rather focus on one thing, do it properly than dirty our hands at 10 things at a time” Rubbish! We can very well efficiently handle kids’ n kitchen along with careers n camaraderie’s! C’mon guys, give us some credit!

                After 15 minutes of circling around a narrow Dadar gully, dad fired mom for giving extremely vague, far from precise directions to a shop. Her explanation was as follows:  “take THIS side  (waving her hand furiously unidirectional) from THAT “peach” colored big building!” Her descriptions included weird vague hand gestures in the air, depicting directions (left and right jumbled) I later on made a mental note to explain the subtle difference between “peach”, “pink” and “skin color” to dad! We girls could enthusiastically try on 4 different shades of blue: light blue, sky blue, navy blue and blue with a tinge of green. Once my brother very innocently asked me the difference between “aqua marine color” and “sea green color”: P :P HOW NAÏVE!! A “v” neck or a round neck or a “mega sleeves “ or “cap sleeves” makes the same difference to us as the single mark deciding pass or fail. We might look FAT!! Yes, that’s our pet peeve! Shopping is meanwhile a monotonous, boring, dull, extremely tiring and not to mention expensive activity for guys! Shopping is just a way to buy clothes to cover your torso, right guys???

                I would like to bust a myth here! Based on my own experience about gossiping! Guys gossip way too much, as much as girls, more actually.  It might be unofficial, shameful to admit for guys, but they sure are a pro at it! HOW! WHEN! WHERE! Remains a mystery to me! Boy’s night outs are probably the most well kept secrets. Do you guys take an unbreakable vow (ref: Harry Potter) or something, because girls can never ever get a wind of what happens in those “guy talks”!

                How can I possibly leave out romance? Some random internet quote rightly buzzed, “Flirting is the only thing that men cannot include in their CV inspite of having a lot of experience and a number of references”. As Aamir rightly said in DCH, “aj Pooja, kal koi Duja” They are confused about their feelings, are commitment phobic, avoid “discussions”, presume and assume things!! They are blissfully unaware of the serious “thinking” that follows in a girls mind on a casual comment. We can on the other hand go on and on and on  every tiny thing, ramble the exact same dialogues of the guy, magnify a little argument to the size of a world war (yeah, we do that!! *wicked grin*), dig up issues that took place centuries ago, and of course the famous “you won’t understand how much u hurt me” dialogue!! The ultimate female fatale is TEARS of course!! Who can forget that! In cases of emergency (again a relative term), we unleash our last ultimate weapon “tears” confusing guys to the core, packing them off to a guilt trip along with accusation and sentiments for luggage. As Chandler Bing rightly said to Monica, “it’s always better to lie, than to have that complicated emotional discussion” LOL: P guys are seriously allergic to communication! “Let things take their own course or live and let live” is their funda even if they are in relationships!!! First of all they are all jumbled up with their emotions, are clueless what they actually want and lastly expect us to “understand” things! (Again an incorrect assumption) and guys call girls complicated!! YEAH RIGHT!! We are pretty much sorted out, at least relationship wise, even if we greet our girlies with a honey coated voice and a warm hug, but we won’t think twice before judging her character and clothing (yes, they pretty much count in the same category).  : P: P: d

                We might mollycoddle guys to get what we want, but we let them take over when it comes to parking cars. We can cuddle and care, but cant handle a cockroach or a lizard in the house. Yes! We do need bare brawn that time! Most of the times, math and logic take a serious turn for girls, while girls complain that “guys never feel like doing things on their own, why the hell do girls have to always spell it out?”

                Jokes apart, guys and girls complement each other. The compare and contrast situations add to the mystery, fun and there’s always something more to discover about “each other”. Guys can be mean, stubborn and indifferent, irrespective of whether they come from Mars or Jupiter. While we can be clingy, emotional and snappy. Girls bring about stability, strength and scent (literally) into a guys life while guys make girls more independent, practical and make us think with our brains, rather than our hearts. I recently watched “pyar ka punchnama” and thoroughly enjoyed it! It’s a great movie! Don’t judge the movie by its title; it’s one of the stimulants that inspired me to pen this down!

                There are always exceptions to every situation, but girls and guys complement each other perfectly inspite of being chalk and cheese! Some of my best buddies are guys! Any ways, don’t want to get to serious. This was just a dig at the beaten topic of “boys-gals”

PS: Girls come from LALALAND and Guys come from GALALAND! JJ J